Haggis, neeps and tatties with a tartan napkin

Scotland is a land of haggis lovers

If you were asked to list as many classic Scottish dishes as you could, what would come top? Haggis, haggis and more haggis.

Yes Scotland is a land of haggis lovers. Unsurprising, you might think. After all, it is not every dish that has its day. (Just try and host a Burns Supper around January 25 without serving a Macsween’s haggis.)

But Scotland, like many other places in the world, has its own local food movement, capitalizing on the cornucopia of world-class Scottish produce. A decline in the popularity of classic, traditional dishes could well have been the anticipated result.

Instead Macsween’s UK haggis sales have steadily increased and we deliver haggis around the UK all year round.

So why are more people buying haggis? 

The taste, of course, but it is more than that.

It is legendary haggis producers like Macsween, modern creative chefs like Thomas Kitchin and Shirley Stear, plus savvy eaters like you who have added fire to the world’s passion for haggis.

Forget the sneery expressions that often cross faces when haggis is mentioned. It’s now a super food.

Haggis is a 21st century super food

Haggis is full of warm, earthly flavours that tantalise the tongue and make it an excellent dish with neeps (turnips) and tatties (potatoes), if you wish to be traditional. And it can also be served in so many other ways.

Take a look at Macsween website for some great inspirational haggis recipes.

Want to know more about haggis?

If you’re looking for a great read and some delicious recipes, you can’t get better than The Macsween Haggis Bible by Jo Macsween. Scion of the legendary haggis makers, Macsween of Edinburgh, Jo Macsween is a passionate ambassador of the haggis. In her book, you are given the low down on all things haggis –  from the traditional Burns’ Supper fare to using haggis as an everyday ingredient.

Remember, when you buy haggis from us, you can book your preferred delivery date closer to the occasion.

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